Real-life stories Of "Satya Yuga" Part 1
Every religion has its rules and notions. The idiosyncratic theories of time and cosmology make Hinduism unique. Time is considered as the cycle of creation and destruction.
As per Hinduism, the time is split into 4 Yugas.
In Satya Yuga, every requirement was obtained by the facility of will. The chief virtue was the abandonment of worldly desires. The Satya Yuga was without ailments. There was no hatred, vanity, evil thought, sorrow, and fear. All human being could attain to supreme blessedness.
The people of Satya-yuga were self-satisfied, merciful, friendly to all or any, peaceful, sober, and tolerant. And it's was a pleasure from within, see all things equally, and endeavor diligently for spiritual perfection. They would worship the Supreme Personality by austere meditation also as by internal and external sense control.
And in the Real thing the Lord was white and four-armed, has matted locks, and wore a garment of tree bark. He carried a black deerskin, a sacred thread, prayer beads, the rod, and water-pot. In this yuga, the Lord is glorified by the names Haṁsa, Suparṇa, Vaikuṇṭha, Dharma, Yogeśvara, Amala, Īśvara, Puruṣa, Avyakta, and Paramātmā.
All the pillars of Dharma were present in totality. And in this yuga people engaged only in good, sublime deeds. In Satya Yuga The Vishnu incarnated that in the four forms, that is Matsaya-Kurma-Varaha and last Narasimha. The only credible text followed was Manu’s Dharma Shastra. The average anticipation of a person's being in Satya Yuga was approximately 4000 years.
A complete establishment of Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion) is often witnessed during the Satya Yuga. The child wasn't ruined when the daddy or mother expired. All the deities, demons, Gandharvas, Yaksha would give up their hatred and differences. The era was barren of agricultural activities or rather any activity. No one would point out faults in anyone’s personality.
All the people that are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras were embellished with all the positive qualities. People would practice austerities and penance. Everything would be inclined towards the supreme knowledge and all actions performed would be to attain celestial bliss.
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